How We Support the Hongaku Jodo Programs
Hongaku Jōdo supports itself in various ways. For example, Hongaku Jodo supports itself and teaching, counseling and social outreach programs through donations.
Individualized and Group Presentations
Many of our teachers support themselves through providing individualized teaching and training for students who require or desire private teachings. These teachings are given in a one-on-one format with standardized hourly rates.
Many of our teachers are available to give talks at group events, both private and corporate. Speakers fees apply in these situations.
Public Dharma/Dhamma Talks and Retreats
Public Dharma talks and teachings open to the public are given without charge, but donations are gratefully accepted.
©2014-2016 Hongaku Jodo
Individualized and Group Presentations
Many of our teachers support themselves through providing individualized teaching and training for students who require or desire private teachings. These teachings are given in a one-on-one format with standardized hourly rates.
Many of our teachers are available to give talks at group events, both private and corporate. Speakers fees apply in these situations.
Public Dharma/Dhamma Talks and Retreats
Public Dharma talks and teachings open to the public are given without charge, but donations are gratefully accepted.
©2014-2016 Hongaku Jodo